Tuesday 2 February 2010

High tides and low tides

As part of their ongoing quest to foment moral panic in our midst, Ashfield Council has put up the obligatory "global warming is going to drown us all" type signage around The Bay. Their take on it is that we'll be seeing higher high tides in about 30 years time, and when that happens, our feet will get wet.

Oddly enough, as I went past a few of those "moral panic markers" today, the tide was as low as I have ever seen it. It was mudflats in all directions.

And mud bins as well.

Here's a tide marker, with feet dry.

Here's the blurb from council.

Another view of the low tide. The interesting bit here is that it appeared there had been a very high tide earlier in the day. All the floaty-type rubbish had been blown down this end of the Bay, and then it had been blown out of the water and onto the foot path and grass. The water level would have to be really high for water bottles and so forth to be blown back onto dry land.

So it looks like we might be experiencing record high and low tides.


Anonymous said...


Not record highs and lows, just normal for this time of year if you spend any time on the water.

The Christmas full moon highs and lows are, well, always very high and low, like those at Easter, mid-winter and spring, depending on the moon.

We have had 2.28m and 0.9, in a tide change during this last lunar cycle, and that is certain-plus on a full moonly nothing unusual.

Try Broome/Wyndham/Derby where the inter-tidal variation is 10m.

Boy on a bike said...

Normal, aye. However, the council has pounced on it as a means to wrap the population in red tape and regulations and to encourage even more green regulation and taxes.

Anonymous said...

Um, make that "certainly nothing unusual on a full moon" and "10m-plus"

Must always check where the cursor is before submitting.