Wednesday, 12 December 2007


I had walked about halfway to the shops tonight when a lady called out to me from an apartment foyer. She was unable to get her granny trolley up the stairs, and asked if I could help.

Of course I could. It took me about a minute to get her shopping up the stairs, and that was that. It didn't help that after mowing the lawn and doing some weeding, I had wrenched my leg muscles and was probably in a more wretched condition than she was. But I did my bit.

This was just another bloody example of a complete stranger approaching me on the street and asking me for something. Usually it's directions. I don't know why - I have a terrible head for maps and geography and streets, but people are always asking me for stuff. Except for beggars.

I have been out walking with a group of people, and I am the only one who will be approached. I have been walking home amongst a string of commuters and I have seen a lost person standing on a street corner, scanning the faces of those walking by, letting 10 go past and then pouncing on me. I must radiate some kind of wierd aura that only lost people can detect.

The good deed did help out though. There were no checkouts operating when I had finished shopping, and I was wandering up and down the checkouts looking for someone to take my money. So was a woman. One of the checkout chicks saw what was going on and opened a checkout, and waved me in first.

I must have had good karma written all over me.

Then again, the woman behind me was scowling and looking daggers at everyone - I would have put her at the back of the queue too.

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