Rowing coaches have really cool boats these days. Much better than the tinnies they had to put up with when I was a young blister-gatherer.

The view of the non-lonely cyclist: someone else's bum.
I've seen this bloke commuting in about a dozen times. He's got a great set of panniers on the back. If I ever trade in the road bike, I might get a setup like him for commuting.
Bright colours seem to be becoming the order of the day for commuter cyclists. I am now seeing a lot more fluoro green and yellow on my fellow commuters, which is something I like. I like us to be seen, and not run over.

Underneath the railway arch near Central. A train with a flat wheel was going overhead at the time - I could hear the "bdump-bdump-bdump" of the flat spot hitting the rails as I waited for the lights to change.
The thing that gets me about this arch is how low slung it is. I'm used to arches that are much more rounded than this. Makes me wonder how it manages to stay up with 40 tonne rail carriages bdump-ing over the top of it.

The Crown Hotel. Scene of a recent and terrible lunch with some mates. I think the chef was either short handed or having a hissy-fit. Whatever went pear shaped in the kitchen, it took us an hour and a half to get fed. Which was just fucked.
The food was good, but not worth waiting that long for. If I go back for lunch, I am going to ring before hand and ask:
"Is your chef in a good mood? Is the kitchen fully staffed? Have all items that might offend the chef been locked away in the manager's office? "

Another car carrier tied up at White Bay, disgorging cars. I thought I knew all the car carriers that do the Sydney run, but this one looks like a new one.
I always have a gander at the cars, hoping to see something interesting. I never do. It always seems to be white vans and white Hilux utes.

This is not my work. Someone else has dobbed this car in, and now it is sans-license plates. I expect it to be whisked away by a tow truck before long.
I'd love to operate a car crusher for a few days. It just seems to be an ideal job for someone that likes blowing things up.

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