Friday 16 January 2009

Ponder this

In the main, I read what I would term "conservative" blogs (although not everyone on my blog roll might wish to be categorised that way!) But I also read a few blogs that are a bit left of centre, and then some that are over in loonie country.

Here is something to ponder.

If you remove those conservative (right wing) bloggers who work for major corporations from the list (and who are prevented from being anonymous), most conservative bloggers remain anonymous. They say what they have to say, and don't make a big deal of who they are.

Leftie bloggers want us to know who they are. Some are downright attention seekers. What they have to say seems to be incidental to the main purpose of raising their profile.

Am I drawing a long bow here? Maybe. I'm just saying that the thought popped into my head today as I was pondering Jeremy Sear and Ant Lowenstein, and what wets their biscuit.


Margo's Maid said...

Sounds like an entirely possible scenario, BOAB - there aren't many anonymous leftie blogs.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and your on my blog as a favorite:

Would appreciate if you would check-out and refer to me also.



Col. Milquetoast said...

Jeremy started out anonymously, no?

What they have to say seems to be incidental to the main purpose of raising their profile.

I think you're stretching your theory a bit far.

Boy on a bike said...

I guess he should be called an "incompetent lefty" then, for doing such a crap job of hiding anonymously.