Sunday 4 November 2007

Did I mention that Stephen Fry has a blog?

Bugger, can't remember whether I have mentioned this before, and can't be bothered searching through the backlog of trash to see if there is anything there.

So here we go - Stephen Fry has a blog.

It's worth a read because it has two attributes that are missing from so much web content (webontent? Wontent? Webtent?). It's well written and it's interesting.

He doesn't post very often, which can be a good thing. I sometimes wish that newspaper editors only bothered to print their newspapers when they had some useful news to pass on. The idea of having to spin up the printing presses every day to generate some fish wrappers is a nastily destructive concept. It means that trash is shovelled in to fill the gaps when news is thin on the ground, and correspondents and opinion writers have to come up with something new and original every day.

And that's pretty much impossible. Well, actually it is possible, but quality suffers as a result. The pressure to publish results in some horendous dribble being put before the eyeballs of the reading public. The added pressure of the internet (we want it NOW NOW NOW) makes it even worse.

Why are people switching off when it comes to newspapers and the evening news? Because it is just a bucket full of spac-filler. What are the best programs on TV? Documentaries by people like David Attenborough. Why are they so good? Because they take years to make. Or years to craft.

We'd be so much better off if there was a law that said that newspapers can only be published on a Tuesday. The first Tuesday of the month. The first Tuesday of the month every leap year.

Now that you've finished here, go read Stephen. But I suggest you settle down on the couch with a cup of tea because he doesn't post short, pithy stories. I think he owns a lot of computers because he keeps wearing out the keyboards.

And by the way, the monkey is a fan because Mr Fry does the voice overs for his favourite show - Pocoyo.

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