Saturday, 3 November 2007

Bugger this weather

I made modest plans last night to go to the beach at sparrow fart this morning to catch a few waves.

Then it started raining.

I have nothing against swimming in the rain - if anything, I really enjoy it. Hell, if you are going to get wet by going swimming, what is the problem with getting wet with rain before you get in the water? I don't get people who don't want to swim because it's raining. Do they think the rain attracts the sharks?

What puts me off is the knowledge that when it rains in Sydney, ninety gibillion gigalitres of muck is washed off our roads and paths and ends up in the surf. Sydney Water are getting better at trapping all the crap before it enters the ocean, but I don't think that they have yet come up with a way to collect dissolved dog turds. I usually like to leave it a few days after raining before going for a dip. Which kind of wrecked today.

On top of that, my bruised knee is still giving me hell, and I doubt that I could have walked from my favourite parking spot to the water without a lot of pain. A noticeable bruise finally came up last night. It has been 8 days since I slipped and landed on it, and the bruising has only just come up. That should tell you how little I bruise. I have been in car crashes that nearly killed several people, and walked away with no apparent bruising. Until a week later when a garish green and black seatbelt shaped bruise has emerged across my torso. My knee crash is no different.

I still want to go swimming though. Might have to wait until next weekend.

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