Sunday, 30 March 2008

Homage to Tom Reynolds

Amazing what you can do with a bit of Duplo and a two year old Monkey. Here's to Tom Reynolds, and all ambo's everywhere.

Here we have a Saturday night special, with an attending ambulance and firemen. Drunken hoon has gone around a corner too fast and rolled their wogged up Honda Civic. The car of course is stolen and the hoon is out on bail.

After the firies have cut the roof off, the patient is strapped to a stretcher.

"Woo-woo-woo" - blue light to the hospital.

Uh-oh. Management/government (aka a two year old who doesn't understand the niceties of photoshoots) flips the ambulance (service) upside down in the name of "improvement". The fire brigade is skittled in the process.

Only the hoon survives the "management induced" carnage. Note the red cow near the front of the ambulance. Not long after this photo was taken, the cow became the driver of the ambulance. I think there is a hidden message in there somewhere.

In response to an earlier post by Tom regarding how to "deliver" patients to hospitals (which I cannot be bothered finding), I was going to shoot a movie showing the ambulance sliding sideways and ejecting the stretcher and patient out the back.

However, Monkey Management commandeered the props, so the movie will have to wait for another day.

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