Wednesday 2 December 2009

Climategate, the ETS and something or other

I have given up and decided to use the term "climategate", even though I can't stand the idea of adding "-gate" to scandals of any sort.

Since the CRU has come a cropper, may I offer this old bit of wisdom:

  • You can fool all of the people some of the time
  • You can fool some of the people all of the time
  • But you can't fool all of the people all of the time
The ETS, or CRPS, or whatever the crap it is, will probably go the same way. Now that the Telegraph is reminding people how much it will cost them, it's rapidly becoming as attractive as waxing your nasal hairs.


sHx said...

"I have given up and decided to use the term "climategate", even though I can't stand the idea of adding "-gate" to scandals of any sort."

Ha ha! My thoughts 100 percent. I decided resistance was useless only 6 hours ago.

Ubique of Perth said...

I just love the way Tony Abbott and Barnaby Joyce constantly refer to the ETS as a BIG FAT TAX. The Labor Party, ABC and Fairfax media visibly cringe whenever their beloved ETS (Enormous Tax Scheme) is described in this way.

Up until now most of the public was in a state of blissful ignorance about the ETS - the public thought it was a bit like the National Sorry Day - makes us all feel good and costs us nothing, isn't our PM Rudd a genius?

Call the ETS for what it is - a BIG FAT TAX - and the landscape changes immediately. Overnight you have the public's attention.

Hey, opposing mad climate change policies aimed at impoverishing the nation suddenly ain't that hard after all.