Wednesday 27 May 2009

Last post reprised

I posted earlier this week about doing no more posts on care packs for diggers overseas. That's not because I am not sending any further packs - it's because Nilk had a brainwave and started up a new blog devoted to this very topic, and very kindly asked me to participate.

It's called Ocean, Sky and Khaki - which refers to our sailors, air scouts and troops.

Kae, Nilk and I want OSK to be a point of reference and meeting for those who wish to support Australia's Military and for members to contact us to let us know what to put in those care packages to make their lives alittle easier.

If anyone has any links or ideas for the blog please let us know at OSK.

Blurb shamelessly ripped from Nilk, who ripped it from Kae.


kae said...

Rip, rip....

So we're doing wood chip now?

Way to get the greens offside.

Oh, wait...

WV: waystro
Yo, bro!

bingbing said...

And shamelessly linked-whored at Tizona.