Sunday 20 March 2011

Jermey the warmonger

Make up your mind Jeremy - are you a peace loving lefty or a warmonger?

I've read your post a couple of times - it's still not clear what it is you want. Be precise man. Spit it out.

I've told you what I'd like - strafing runs by A-10 warthogs firing 30mm depleted uranium shells at any and every armoured vehicle that's not on fire. Plus dropping cluster bombs on Gaddafi's artillery.

Doing that won't be pretty - here's a few graphic and nasty pictures to remind you of what happens when we start blowing the crap out of our enemies.

Dead tanks - lots of them. And just remember - most of those armoured vehicles probably had men in them when they were blown up. Now all they contain is dismembered men burnt beyond recognition.

I love it when lefties start calling for our governments to be violent against people they don't like. They complain about how much we spend on our military - right up until the moment when they want to use it. They call our soldiers cannon fodder and meat heads - right up until the moment when our boys are required to go into action to support a cause that they like. Or they call for our precious troops to come home from a war that they don't like, until the moment that they want them deployed somewhere they do like - and they say things like, "It doesn't matter if they die - they knew what they were signing up for".

And I really love it when the clueless ones with absolutely no military background whatsoever start calling for us to airdrop anti-tank weapons to the rebels - you know, the kind of missiles that trained soldiers require two weeks of intensive training on before they can fire one.

You got your wish Jeremy. The air strikes are going in now. How many people did you kill today, you bloodthirsty butcher?

PS - next time I see Gaddafi's silly head on TV, I'm hoping it will be on top of a pointy stick being carried by a rebel. See, I don't have a problem with deploying maximum, brutal force to remove this dickwad, and I don't mind if the road to his palace is carpeted with the bodies of his supporters. I know what it will take to get rid of him, and I don't resile from that.


Pedro the Ignorant said...

While I agree with your sentiments about blowing Gaddaffi to hell and back, I fear that the Libyan military will do the "rebels" like a dinner.
I have been keeping a watch on what vision is available coming out of the Liyan mess, and it looks to me like these rebels lack any co-ordinated leadership, training or ability to wage war at any level other than as rag tag guerillas.
Not going to cut it against a well trained, well armed Libyan Army with a ruthless dictator calling the shots, despite the NATO et al air power.

I cannot see that empty suit in DC sending in ground troops, nor will the EUro weenies.

This will not end well.

Boy on a bike said...

Yeah, I've been watching the same footage. Those rebels make one of my drunken uni pub crawls look like a paragon of organisation, teamwork, discipline clarity of thinking and clear communication.

Sheesh - no dispersal, firing weapons randomly in the air and then running like weasels with their tails on fire at the first bit of shelling.

I don't get why the roads are not paved with wall to wall mines, demolitions and IEDs. Every fucked up tinpot revolutionary in that part of the world has worked out how to do a command or remote detonated IED - apart from these rather clueless rebels. They've had weeks to prepare, and haven't constructed a single useful bunker.

Richard Sharpe said...

I've had a brief think about what it would take over at my place. While I am heartened by the developments since I wrote it, more can still be done without over-committing while we are still tackling Radical Islam in the 'ghan.

Minicapt said...

They do have a ruthless dictator; the well-trained, well-lead, well-armed Army is a figment of the general Arab imagination. I would suggest that many of the 'rebels' are demonstrating skills they learned during service in the regular Libyan Army.


Anonymous said...

"I've told you what I'd like - strafing runs by A-10 warthogs firing 30mm depleted uranium shells at any and every armoured vehicle that's not on fire. Plus dropping cluster bombs on Gaddafi's artillery.

Doing that won't be pretty - here's a few graphic and nasty pictures to remind you of what happens when we start blowing the crap out of our enemies. Dead people"

" Dead tanks - lots of them. And just remember - most of those armoured vehicles probably had men in them when they were blown up. Now all they contain is dismembered men burnt beyond recognition."

"I don't mind if the road to his palace is carpeted with the bodies of his supporters"

you sir, are a sick little cunt. Do you have any concept of death? Have you seen a dead body? Seen a family weep for it's loved one? The internet is awash with stupid little nerds like you. Go back to playing your daft little violent computer games. Leave the real world for the adults eh.

Richard Sharpe said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, the 2011 Nobel Prize for Missing the Point goes to.... (drum roll please)....Mr Anon. E. Mouse.

Of course Mr Bike has an understanding of the concept of death. He highlighted it quite clearly in his post, which was aimed squarely at Mr Jeremy Sear, a onetime peace loving anti-war activist who has had a change of heart because the chattering classes have come to the conclusion that Captain (his substantive rank before he seized power) Gaddafi is “teh eeevil” – a conclusion most rational people came to sometime during the Reagan Administration.

Those who long bemoaned the use of force for its terrible cost to humanity are now advocating it. Mr Bike was merely pointing out the consequences of that change of heart. For those of us who have long held the opinion that tyrants like him should be on the receiving end of a stream of DU rounds from an A10, the conclusion that the death and misery that he and his fellow travellers have inflicted upon people striving to rid themselves of a tyrant more than justifies his bullet-riddled corpse being strung up by piano wire in the centre of Tripoli is an outcome with which we have long been reconciled.

Boy on a bike said...

Let that one go through to the keeper, Richard. Mr Anonymous Lefty is clearly upset at the idea of having to reconcile his idealistic calls for military assistance to the rebels with the rather brutal reality that such a call will entail.

Gaddafi's mob reported 50+ deaths yesterday from air strikes. I slept soundly. I wonder if Jeremy and his friends did as well, knowing how much blood they spilt recently.

I was called a sick cunt when I wore a uniform, many years ago. However, back then, that was a compliment from a fellow soldier.

Richard Sharpe said...

That couldn't actually have been Jeremy. He's a lawyer you know. He would have been able to write a paragraph without using misogynist profanity and would know not to use an apostrophe for the possessive pronoun.

Boy on a bike said...

I didn't mean it was THE anonymous lefty - just that it was AN anonymous lefty. Or ANOTHER anonymous lefty.

Blasted English language!