Monday 2 June 2008

Eye of newt and urine of goat

I have been to many countries, and have always drunk the tap water.  That includes places where the travel warnings say, "Under no circumstances drink the tap water".  I do not have a tender and delicate stomach - it can handle most bugs with ease.

My tastebuds are another matter.  For the first time in as long as I can remember, I have agreed to the purchase of several 2 litre bottles of water.  We are not in Liberia or Burma or Somalia.  We are in Perth, and the water tastes like goats piss filtered through a leper's old sock.  

I understand they are building a desalination plant here.  I suggest they shouldn't worry - the tap water is so nasty, they could feed sea water to the locals and they wouldn't notice the difference.


kae said...

water tastes like goats piss filtered through a leper's old sock.

erm, have you tried removing the left-behind lepers toes? should improve the flavour a little I think

Boy on a bike said...

Don't get me started on Queensland water.