Wednesday 22 February 2012

More Marxist muck

Another week, another power pole covered in Marxist crap. Will these idiots never give up?

Don't you just love the list of speakers:

  • Bilger
  • Mamdouh Habib
  • Gary Foley (listed as an Aboriginal activist).
I think I'd prefer to wank goats for an artificial insemination program rather than listen to these idiots.


Perturbed said...

I'm not sure which alternative is worse - having to listen to them or being forced to wank goats in order to avoid it.

Rob said...

Boy on a bike, wanted to bring your attention to something you raised last year in your analysis of home solar power economics. You quoted a price from a chinese trade site of 50,000 US for a 5kw system, then added import, installation and finance. The reality is if you look at Australian retailers that price is not even in the ballpark of reality. You said if prices were below 20,000 for 5 kw it would start to make sense. Well have a look at a few retailers, keeping in mind these all include delivery and installation and one includes three years interest free finance
$8,299 pre rebate and $6,599 post rebate for 2.58 kw giving you $16,600 without rebate or $13,200 with rebates for 5kw+
5.2kw for $16,390 with no rebate or $11,089 with rebates.
4.6kw system for $15,263 pre and $11,500 post.

The reality is solar power is now competitive with grid power without rebates. It only gets sweeter from here as electricity costs inevitably rise and system costs continue to come down.

Boy on a bike said...

If my favourite agronomist wanders by, he might tell the story of an insemination demonstration at uni that went very wrong. It involved a ram, a female student and incredibly bad timing.

Steve at the Pub said...

This is a story we must hear!

Anonymous said...

You're still dreaming, Rob.
Flea power available only when the sun shines cannot compete with reliable grid power.

Rob said...

It seems very strange to me that somebody would bother to make what was actually a fairly detailed economic analysis but then ignore the fact when brought to your attention that your initial cost assumption was high by a factor of more than three (4 with subsidies)

To anonymous, everyone accepts that intermittency creates issues for the introduction of renewables but to state that means they have nothing to contribute is such a blinkered view. The reality is if you have a look at the output curves for solar systems in summer they actually match very tightly with the grid demand curve. This means that they actually can play a very useful role in reducing the need for new peak load plants and reducing the need to run existing ones. The other factor that will help renewables transition to base load power is grid level storage technology, ranging from pumped hydro to battery technology which is currently the subject of significant research and development.