Wednesday 22 February 2012


Cranes. Where are the damned cranes. That's not a crane.

Ah, there's the cranes. They're working on the Barangaroo redevelopment. I'm wondering whether this lot will go the way of World Square, which started as a big hole in the ground at the lower end of the CBD and remained that way for years after a financial crisis.

Rowers, rowers and more rowers. There's lots more in he background. And notice the lovely smudge that the kiddies fingers left on the lens.

Yep, I was up pretty early that morning. The camera is great at gathering even the dimmest light - to my tired eyes, it was not this bright. In fact, it was pretty bloody dark!

A few obligatory bikes. This bloke was carrying a bit - a backpack and a laptop bag.

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