Thursday 26 November 2009

Normal service has resumed

Right, that's enough about emails for now. Let's have some good old fashioned photos of cyclist's bums.

Here's a bloke working hard on the Anzac Bridge. I don't think I've ever stood up out of the saddle going up here, yet I managed to slow down, take this photo, put the camera back in my pocket and then accelerate past him - all without standing up and huffing and puffing. Some people make it look really hard.

Reflective safety belts - seeing lots more of these. Are people becoming paranoid?

Muffin tops. Sure, it's nice to ride in casual work clothes - but try and wear a shirt that doesn't show your muffin tops when you are leaning into the pedals. Note the extra baggy pannier hanging way off the side of the bike. It's practically doubled the road space she takes up.

This blokes T-shirt says "I like beer and hockey". Interesting combination to be seen on a bike.

A hipster! Pity I was too busy to photograph his head as well. This guy was a very serious young insect. Hipster bag, hipster shoes, hipster fixie and even a hipster helmet with a hipster sticker on the back.

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