Sunday 1 April 2007

Lord of the flies

There is something rotten in the neighbourhood. When we moved in, I noticed that there were a lot of flies buzzing around the backyard. More than the last few houses that we have lived in. So I trotted down the road to our favourite hardware bazar and purchased a $10 fly trap.

A week later, it is 2/3 full of huge, horrible looking green flies. The instructions say to empty the contents into the bin or a deep hole in the ground and to refill with a sachet of green fly attractant, but I'm not going anywhere near the bloody thing. I took the easy option and simply went back down the road and forked out another $10 for another trap.

Within 5 minutes of activating it, it had a fly.

I don't know what is going on around here, but the flies are bloody ridiculous. Mao would have a fit if saw them. It's not like I see them anywhere else when I am out and about. If there was a general plague of them, I'd be overrun everytime I walk up to the shops, but there are none out of the front of the house. It's just the backyard.

I figure the previous occupants simply buried a huge amount of dogshit just under the surface of the garden, and the flies are surfacing after a few weeks of incubation. Bastards. And I'm not going digging for it.

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