Posting this week has been quiet due to the bike going tits-up. The cable on the right should be connected to the nipply thing on the left. Without it, I can't change between the big and small cogs on the front. I could still ride, but lacked the wherewithal to reach top speed - that combined with a cold has reduced me to taking the bus this week. And the bus is not good for the brain.

I saw the most un-safety Nazi like thing when I was getting the bike fixed. A family had walked home, and instead of waiting for Dad to unlock the front gate, a girl of about six climbed onto the neighbours fence, then up some wooden slats and onto a fat brick fence post, and from there onto the top of their front wall - a wall about six feet high. From there, she grabbed a tree branch and swung into their front yard, and unlocked the gate from the inside. She went up that wall pretty quickly - she was obviously well practiced.
I have to ask, how does the shifter cable come out of the shifter??
Also, does this happen often with Shimano gears? I don't want that to happen on the way home! Bad enough when I break a spoke 10km from home....
It snapped off inside the shifter. It started going soggy about a week before it broke - it was taking two taps of the lever to get it to shift up. I thought the cable had gotten sticky with the rain - it had probably frayed, and the frayed edges were stopping it from shifting properly. So if your shifty gets soggy, time to get a new cable!
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