Saturday, 16 June 2007

Watching TV

I did an online survey last night. It was looking at viewing habits. It took me about 10 minutes to complete.

It consisted of long lists of TV shows, and you had to mark whether you had watched that show in the last 4 weeks or not. If you answered yes, you then had to rate how closely you watched the show. For instance, I would put Rage down as a 1, which means it was just on in the background, whereas if it was House, it would get 4 - watched intensly and enjoyed.

I was gobsmacked at the number of shows on TV. I hadn't even heard of half of them - and I am talking about free to air, not cable. I went through whole reams of shows and marked them as "no".

Phew. For a while there, I was getting worried about how much idiot box watching I have been doing. Clearly, I am at the lower end of the scale when it comes to getting square eyes.

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