Friday, 22 June 2007

More uselessness

I finally got a letter today from our local MP.

I don't know where she is recruiting her staff from, but they are not the top 20% of the population.

It took over a week for the letter to arrive, because it was sent to our old address. I checked the original letter that I sent, and then the follow up, and both have our new address on them. They must have decided to use the electoral roll, rather than the address actually listed on the letter.

The electoral roll of course was not updated with our new details until about a week after I sent the second letter, so if they were stupid enough to use it, then they got it wrong.

I mean, how bloody hard is it to look in the traditional location on a letter for the return address? What are they teaching in schools these days? Are people only able to respond to an email, because the address is there in the 'sender' field?

I am just shocked and horrified that these people are supposed to be taking care of our electoral matters.

To cap it off, the letter that I got had one of those awful scanned electronic signatures on it. Great. The Silly Cow MP can't even be bothered to read and check and sign her own mail. The least your MP can do is actually pretend to take an interest in the matters of their electorate.

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