Thursday 31 May 2007

Where does one by taragon?

I never knew that there were two main types of taragon until I lost my firt taragon plant. The main ones that are available are the French variety and the Russian variety. One tastes really good, and the other is almost inedible. I can't remember which is which, but I am fairly sure that the type that is usually on sale in the herb section of supermarkets is the tasty type.

I like making a Jamie Oliver salad which consists of about 50% taragon and the rest being made up of grapes and shallots (the shallots having been soaked in vinegar beforehand). It's a great salad, with the taragon providing a great deal of zing.

I did manage to find some pots of it in Bunnings last year, so I planted the seedlings and grew them to a size where I could start putting them into the salad.

I got the wrong bloody variety, didn't I. The salad was just awful, and I wasn't going to waste any time picking out bits of taragon, since there was so much of it in the salad. Complete waste of time and effort.

By that point, I had taragon growing in half a dozen pots around the garden, so the whole lot had to be pulled up and thrown out.

And of course since then, I have been unable to find either seeds nor seedlings anywhere.


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