Monday 2 April 2007

Your boom trap is rubbish

There is a canal that leads into the bay that I cycle around each day, and because the canal goes through grockle country, it is usually full of rubbish that the wastoids have carelessly discarded. The last time I saw this much rubbish in a waterway was the Shatin river in Hong Kong, and it lived up to its name.

Some local authority therefore came up with the very bright idea of putting a floating boom thingy across the mouth of the canal to scoop up all the garbage as it flowed down towards the Bay. A little boat chugs up every now and then and picks up all the rubbish from the trap at the end. It's a neat little system.

Except when some idiot unties one end of the boom, as has happened here. I really despair at a government that stops law abiding people like me from bearing arms and roaming through the suburbs shooting litter bugs and bogans. People spotted outdoors in flannel and uggboots really do deserve to be shot on sight.

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