Saturday, 22 June 2013

Forgive me, for I have cooked lentils

I'm not saying any more than that.


cav said...

As long as you didn't swallow you'll be OK!

Anonymous said...

Lentils are good food. You couldn't make dahl without lentils. Life without dahl would not be as good.

Richard Sharpe said...

Are they South African lentils Neal?

Boy on a bike said...

Whatever they are, they are making me fart a lot.

DMS said...

Hope you didn't eat them with that pork belly

Boy on a bike said...

Just a few.

Simon said...

Your application to join the Greens is in the post.

Richard Sharpe said...

It's a quote from the Young Ones BOAB. Look it up on YouTube. Rick was having a go at Neal for cooking fascist lentils.

missred said...

I like Lentils - only the red ones!