Saturday 8 January 2011

Why should taxpayers pay for this?

Thanks to Andrew Bolt, we get this story about a couple aborting twin boys conceived via IVF because they want a girl:

A COUPLE who terminated twin boys conceived through IVF are fighting to choose the sex of their next child - because they want a girl.

In a case that raises the ethical question of sex selection, the couple have taken their fight to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. They already have three sons and said they now want to have a girl after their baby daughter died.

An independent panel, known as the Patient Review Panel, rejected the couple's bid to choose the gender of their next child using IVF. They now want that decision overturned. The tribunal, which ruled it has the power to review the earlier decision, will hear the case in March.

I just hope they aren't claiming the Medicare rebates for the IVF treatment, which runs at $4,500 - $5,000.

Apart from the moral issue of aborting kids because you don't like their sex (which I think is attrocious - I'd sterilise the pair of them), why the hell should the taxpayer be funding any of this? I just hope we aren't picking up any of the tab. If they have, we should not only cut the balls off the father - he should be made to eat them too.

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