Sunday 7 October 2012

This is so much fun

Life of Brian is a treasure trove of excellent names.


1735099 said...

The geriatric loudmouth is brought down by a bunch of nerds. Priceless!

Anonymous said...

Numbers posted this word for nearly word for word on the Prof's blog yesterday, nice that you're economising mate.

Minicapt said...

He's a writer, entering his Hemingway phase.


1735099 said...

Probably a little more productive than playing in the dirt with toy tanks......

Minicapt said...

I play with my toy tanks in the grass, where they won't get dirty.
… they make "bang, bang" noises when you press the 'fire' button.


Anonymous said...

Numbers once again unites a blog against him.
How did a supposedly educated person not get promoted in an expanded Army?