Monday 18 October 2010

Spring Cycle, Part 4

Hey look - Cav did the ride as well!

Rest point - time for a banana. My shoulders and elbows were aching by this point. Normally, I swap the position of my hands on the bars all the time as I ride. However, because of the density of traffic, and the low skills of so many of those around me, I had to keep my hands on the brakes at all times. I reckon I wore out two sets of pads on the ride - it was brake, brake, brake every 5 seconds.

This T-shirt is an ad for Moose Drool beer. Sounds fabulous.

I know it looks good to wear kit that matches and all that..... but I just don't get into that sort of thing.

Poles in Olympic Park.

And trees. And cobblestones. Now I understand why racing on cobbles is so hard - the bloody things grip your tyres like crazy! You really have to race over them as fast as possible - and this was a line of fresh, smooth, nicely laid modern "cobbles". The lumpy old original ones in France and Belgium must be a nightmare.

And then we went through the trees - no passing possible!

Saw lots of these sorts of things. That's commitment.

And more tandems.

The rest will have to wait until tomorrow - I'm still shattered.

1 comment:

cav said...

You're shattered BOAB?

I'm a shattered unit too because you thought I'd stoop to wearing fingerless gloves while rinding a bike.....