Friday, 23 February 2007

I'm near a hospital - who needs a helmet?

Cycling seems to be a popular way for staff to get to work at RPA. Unfortunately, most of the cyclists I saw on the streets around the hospital had their helmets dangling from their handlebars, rather than being affixed to their heads.

If you don't want to wear a helmet, just don't bother taking it with you. Leave it in the shed. I don't see the point of carrying one around. It's not like you'll see a crash coming and have time to put it on (which requires both hands) as you try and brake and steer around the problem.

Idiots. Totally clueless. They probably think that drivers drive better around hospitals, so they are safer and can dispense with the helmet. In actual fact, most of the driving that I saw around RPA was quite deadly. You've got people like me who have no idea where they are going, so they are wandering around like lost clowns looking for a parking spot or a building that they need to visit. You've got doctors in BMW's who are clearly doing way too much amphetamines. You've got lot's of batty old ducks driving around in mid 1970's Volvos, since a lot of the people in the hospital are old, and lots of their elderly friends visit them heaps. Mix all that up with the odd fast moving ambulance and you have a recipe for disaster.

I wouldn't want any of them to operate on me as clearly they don't have a clue.

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