Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Ma aching bones

I'm finally back in the saddle after the longest lay off in a year or so. Funny how the muscles can go soft and squelchy so quickly. I was alright after the first day, but today I noticed that my wrists and forearms were sore. I couldn't work out why. I can understand my legs aching - but my arms?

Then I worked it out - I haven't been gripping and leaning on a set of handlebars for a while. The arms and wrists have to settle back in too. They might not appear to be doing much work, but from the aches I am feeling tonight, they clearly do something.

It's good to be riding again - the body needs a dose of natural stimulants on a regular basis. I'm not riding "hard" though - my lungs are still full of crud, and my speed is down about 25% on normal.

One thing I don't miss are the idiots on the bike paths. If I didn't have a really powerful headlight, I would have slammed into the back of a bloke who was riding slowly with his dog on a leash - no lights, no reflectors and the obligatory dark clothing. I saw his greyish mutt before I saw him. Some people think that just because they can see where they are going, others can see them. Nope - doesn't work that way.

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