Thursday 29 March 2012

What the frack?

It's always the same - I write something, then I get too busy with work and family stuff to do any blogging, and then I suddenly find that I've been mentioned by a couple of major league media/blog sites. And when it's happening, I'm too busy to even stick a post up to say, "Hi, sorry about all the photos of fat cyclist bums, but there is actually a bit of analysis in here somewhere". I emerged from a shift several floors underground today to suddenly find that Earth Hour is finally under the spotlight.

Enough of that - here is my latest must read blog - Prick with a Fork. Why didn't I find this masterpiece sooner?

1 comment:

cav said...

Just keep those photos of saddlebags coming - this is what you do best.

Stay loyal to those who supported you when you were just a boy on a bike.