Tuesday 10 July 2007

Circle work on school grounds?

The impressive bit of lawn lifting in the school grounds shown below was not done by some of the local hoons in a stupid coloured WRX. It was done by the digger in the background. The Edumacation Department has a bee in its bonnet about using woodchips as a surface in school grounds, so these holidays, the whole lot are being dug up and replaced with god knows what. Rejected tofu perhaps?

Great wodges of lawn have been sacrificed to this project. Given the weather at the moment, our grass is growing about 1mm per month. I doubt I will have to mow the lawn until September the rate it is going. I doubt that the school grass will recover either over the next few months, so the kiddies will have to put up with a mud pit for the next semester. Good planning.

The safety nazis have really been to town at the school with the yellow warning paint. Every dip, rise, bump and knoll on the school grounds has been liberally coated in yellow paint to warn those that don't look where they are going that there is a trip hazard in front of them.

Personally, I hate this yellow paint idea. It gives people the idea that they are no longer responsible for watching where they are going, and for their own personal wellbeing. If you don't want to fall into that pot hole in front of you, get the mobile phone out of your ear and concentrate on where you are walking - you pillock!

I believe all the trip hazards should be painted a deep, dark black. That way, you'd really have to look hard to see them, so people would be walking around with a look of intense concentration on their faces, rather than the vacant, mouth breathing look that so many adopt in this day and age. Either that, or they'd be covered in bandages and unable to move at all thanks to all the plaster wrapped around their limbs.

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