Tuesday 9 August 2011

Bob Carr hates bankers

From Bob's blog:

Want to hear another horror story? One of the local volunteers told us that at the last schoolies week one family sent their daughter and her friends to occupy a $7000 a week Byron Bay rental house with a limousine and driver to shuttle them around. No doubt Daddy Big Bucks who showered this largesse on his spoilt private school darling had a hand in the financial crisis of three years back which is having its second iteration as you read this.

From the Macquarie Bank website:

Macquarie Bank today announced that the former Premier of New South Wales, the Hon. Bob Carr, has been appointed to the Bank as a part time consultant.
Mr Carr will advise the Investment Banking Group from time to time, on policy and strategic issues, both domestic and international, and with particular focus on Mr Carr's specialist knowledge of the United States, China and Europe.
The Head of the Bank's Investment Banking Group, Mr Nicholas Moore, said Mr Carr's strong intellect, policy understanding and strategic skills would make a valuable contribution to the development of Macquarie's global businesses.
Mr Carr said he was looking forward to the challenge of working with Macquarie Bank along with other business and non commercial activities he aims to be undertaking.


I wonder if that horrid rich daddy is one of Bob's mates at Macquarie Bank? Perhaps even one of the people that appointed Bob to this plum consultancy gig.

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