Monday 22 December 2008

Three snippets of life

Oops. Spot the boo-boo?

The aftermath of a prang on the Bay Run on the weekend. I was going across the Bay on a kayak, rather than around it on a bike, when an ambulance came tearing up and collected a cyclist from the pavement. This photo was taken from the opposite side of the Bay after the cyclist had been loaded up, because I am still not game to take a camera with me in the kayak. I paddled over to the prang for a rubber-necked sticky-beak, then paddled back to the shore to grab a long distance snap.

I don't know what happened. Two bikes were on the ground. One cyclist was walking around and talking on the phone, and the other was sitting on the ground with both legs outstretched. I could see blood running down his arms from a distance, so he had barked his elbows on the pavement. It could have been two bikes riding side by side that got tangled up, or a head on collision, or a simple goofy tumble. These things can happen to the best of us, which is why I always have my plastic brain protector anchored to my scone.

The sight of blood and an ambulance of course in no way discouraged me from howling past this spot at 50km/h this afternoon.

In response to Romeo Mike's photo of non-Christmas in Oxford St, I present to you how we do things in wog town. This is one of a dozen banners lining the main drag through Five Dock, and it is the favourite of Monkey - he refers to it as "big red chicken" every time we drive past.

It took me a week to work out what this "big red chicken" was all about.

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